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Season of Change: Your Fall Maintenance Guide

Oct 10, 2019

For a lot of us Canadians, fall is our favourite time of the year. The cool, crisp air. The comfy sweaters. Hot cider by a roaring fire. And of course, the spectacular colours during a countryside drive.


Fall CHR


Speaking of driving, fall can be a very unpredictable season. The quick changes in conditions, the sudden storms, flash freezes and thaws. All that change causes stress on many parts, rubber compounds, fluids, joints, valves that you don’t really consider.

Temperature changes causes motor oils to break down faster, so another season of old oil may cause engine stress. The temperature starts to dip above and below freezing, so a gentle rain can turn into black ice in a matter of minutes. And then there’s wiper blades. We’ve all been caught with blades that make it harder, not easier to see. That’s not just annoying, it’s unsafe.

Toyota wiper blades

While not a safety factor in the usual sense, an overly-clogged cabin air filter is worse than no filter at all. As we all know, fall is a time of increased pollens and spores in the air, all of which sit inside our filter until it gets changed out.

An old oil filter won’t affect any person’s health, but it will definitely affect your vehicle’s. An old oil filter allows contaminants to sit in the fuel line, which affects your mileage in the short term, and begins to cause other problems in the long term.

The changes in temperature that fall brings is something that’s very tough on batteries as well. Extremely high temperatures in the summer can cause a comparable amount of wear as cold. Plus with all the weather changes, there’s a higher chance of some light corrosion or loosening of contacts. So a good look at your battery is a very good idea in the fall.

Toyota maintenance

We’ve mentioned before about the importance of winter tires. It's all about the importantance of knowing your car is ready for the Canadian winter before something comes up.The thing is, there are a lot of parts on your Toyota (over 12,000 in fact). And some need looking at more often than others. How do you know what parts require service from season to season?

Never fear, intrepid Toyota drivers. Toyota Parts & Service has developed an online Personalized Maintenance Schedule for each and every Canadian. At the link below, simply type in your Toyota’s vehicle, year and how many months or kilometers you have on the vehicle.

You’ll get a comprehensive maintenance schedule that tells you exactly when to come in for service, and for what. From brakes to batteries, air filters to oil filters, from coolants to cleaners, our maintenance schedule will make sure your Toyota is running smoothly and perfectly.

Why yes, I would love my very own Personalized Maintenance Schedule

Fall is a perfect time to get out there and see Canada in all its glory. But it’s also a time of fluctuating weather. So before you go exploring, check your personalized maintenance schedule, then Bring Your Toyota Home.